All the focus on Chef over the last few years has paid off — I have officially joined the Professional Services team at Chef Software, where I will be working as a Consulting Engineer. (I was actually already part of Chef’s extended Professional Services team through my previous contracting relationship .. but having direct access to product and support insiders at Chef will be so more beneficial when helping customers). Job description here.
I’m really excited for this new opportunity, and that I will have more opportunities to lead training programs, and to travel; two of my favorite things!
And of course, helping to fuel transformation to the devops way is a big passion of mine. This is more than just changing the tools companies use, or the methodologies — it is all about development, QA and operations teams working together, treating operations like a software project, including automated testing of changes to infrastructure, and the ability to rapidly deploy all code changes, frequently and safely, through an automated pipeline.
As far as I am concerned, my job over the years in operations was always to Automate All The Things, as best I could; the tools have just gotten better, and infrastructure has gotten to the point where everything needs to be scripted and automatically tested, in order to operate reliably and at scale. It is a no-brainer.